Keith's End of Chemo party - Wed, Oct 25, 2023 - McTeague's and nearby - 5-10+


  • 5-ish show up at Tommy's Joint, eat and/or drink, very informal.
  • 6 - McTeague's for general partyishness.
  • 9:30-10:00 - head next door to Mayes for karaoke
    For those who didn't know - In April of this year, I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer. In June, I had a 3.5 cm tumor removed along with a foot of my right ascending colon. And then to be safe, from July until now I have undergone 4 3-week cycles of chemotherapy. And given prior knowledge of recurrence statistics and the latest CT scans, it appears at this moment I am cancer free, or likely to be so as one can possibly hope for. Obviously the next few years will involve a lot of tests and some serious lifestyle changes, but I'm feeling very fortunate and optimistic. Colon cancer appears to have fucked with the wrong guy. ("See what happens, Larry?")
    It has all been scary and sucked, but I'm definitely a much healthier and happier person coming out of it than when I went in. I also moved apartments, got laid off (sorta) which is good, and revived several creative projects. I'd love as many of you who were on the journey with me as possible to come celebrate and to know how much I've appreciated the wishes, advice, reassurance, logistical help, and just inspiration.
    (BTW, I'm sorry to anyone I didn't tell already. I've been very busy dealing with all of it, and mainly I just wanted to get to a more stable place before taking too many people on the roller coaster ride. I'm glad it's now "great news so far" and side effects over, so time to celebrate!)
    So on Wed, Oct 25 let's grab food at Tommy's Joint on Van Ness then off to McTeague's at 6 pm where we have the back area reserved. There will be dancing, maybe a raffle to win some of my removed body parts, maybe a small funny show and tell.
    But definitely some sort of fundraiser for my upcoming non-profit 503(c) bringing karaoke, laughter and other entertainment to children with cancer and other illnesses-- in general, karaoke as therapy to people who need it, not just bar crowds. May expand to other things; details to follow. So no actual karaoke... at McTeague's... but... We'll then go next door to Mayes Oyster House around 9:30 or 10:00 for their karaoke with my man Mr 4Shizzle because, come on, there has to be karaoke.
    Just come and have fun because life and people are precious! And I promise if I say anything sappier than that during the night you have my permission to punch me in the colon. For those who can't make it, I know you're there in spirit and we'll have our own celebration in the many years to come.

    keith-ash arbys-fest-reunion taunting-cruise-front alex-quillan-ash keith-grabs-mic-at-double-plus-alright keith-paul-ca-jacks dorcas-the-chain

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